Deacons Rotation
05/05: Justin Goodson and Matthew Johnson
05/12: Jerry Mills and Garry Havron
05/19: Greg Dykes and Mike Windham
05/26: Charles Thompson and Cody Dykes
06/02: Ricky Howard and Kyle McMaster
Usher and Greeter Rotation
Ushers- Jerry Posey, Ricky Howard, Nathan Marquez, Tim Gallman, Trace Gallman, Erik Goldmann, Justin Goodson
Greeters- Greg Dykes, Marcia Johnson, Laura Mills, Laurie Osteen
Ushers- Charles Thompson, Garry Havron, Aaron Thompson, Todd Jones, Greg Moore, Troy Thaxton, Joshua Vankirk
Greeters- Bert Howard, Bing Howard, Ellis Cameron, Michelle Lloyd
Ushers- Greg Dykes, Jerry Mills, Wil Blackshear, Cody Dykes, Noah Mills, Victor Price, Alton Williams
Greeters- Mary Harless, Michelle Jones, Todd Jones, Sue Wilson, Charles Thompson
Ushers- Mathew Johnson Sr., Mike Windham, Bert Carroll, Mike Crouch, Russ Webb, Alex Strong, Matthew Johnson Jr., Shepard Arrington
Greeters- Mike Crouch, Gloria Ellis, Nathan Marquez, Alyce Williams
Ushers- Jerry Posey, Ricky Howard, Nathan Marquez, Tim Gallman, Trace Gallman, Erik Goldmann, Justin Goodson
Greeters- Greg Dykes, Marcia Johnson, Laura Mills, Laurie Osteen
Nursery Rotation
Infants– Katie Johnson & Caleb Hawkins
Toddlers– Alex Dykes & Amanda Thaxton
Children’s Church– Gail & Troy Johnson
Infants– Lisa Thompson & Elizabeth Williams
Toddlers– Michelle Lloyd & Amber Marquez
Children’s Church– Michelle & Todd Jones
Infants– Gayle Crouch & Jennifer Collins
Toddlers– Amy & Emily Doster & Barbara Price
Children’s Church– Sydney Reynolds & Sherry Ziebol
Infants– Celine Simpson & Pam Graham
Toddlers– Seth & Amelia Doster
Children’s Church- Rachel Goodson & Gloria Ellis
Infants– Barbara Yarbrough & Barbara Clark
Toddlers– Laurie Osteen & Stephanie F.
Children’s Church– Gail & Troy Johnson